Client: Keighley Properties Limited
Architect: Horsley Townsend
Riverside Business Park, located in Keighley adjacent to the River Aire is the redevelopment the former Oakworth Joinery manufacturing facility in Keighley. The former 13-acre site has been redeveloped to form five separate self-contained units ranging from 48,000 sq ft to 90,000 sq ft, providing a total of 260,000 sq ft of industrial space with100,000 sq ft of external yard space.
Solution:Positive was appointed to develop Landlords services, new incoming utility services and the decommissioning and removal of the existing private electricity & gas networks serving the site.
Key challenge: The existing electricity distribution to the development was from a PrivateHV Network and gas was supplied at Medium Pressure, through a private pipeline, crossing land under third party ownership-both of which were a concern to Keighley Properties and did not provide flexibility for redevelopment opportunities. The Private HV Network, consisting of eight substations, most of which were over 40 years old, two being manufactured in 1963, which were in an unsafe and unreliable operating condition due to lack of maintenance. The Private HV Network also served an adjacent manufacturing site under a Private SupplyAgreement, which had to be considered as part of the utilities strategy for the redevelopment of the site, to maintain continuity of supply during the redevelopment programme.
To provide security of supply and flexibility for the redevelopment, Solution:Positive managed the decommissioning of the Private HV Network and negotiated with Northern Powergrid for the installation of a new HV distribution network to serve both the redevelopment site and the adjacent manufacturing site.Off-site reinforcement of the Northern Powergrid HV Network and new on-site substations were required to provide supply capacity for the redevelopment. Solution:Positive negotiated withNorthern Powergrid, on behalf of Keighley Properties, resulting in the off-site network reinforcement works being carried out by Northern Powergrid at no cost to Keighley Properties. The Private Medium Pressure gas pipeline was supplied from a major arterial route of the gas distribution network for West Yorkshire, installed within the carriageway of the busy A650 - a primary transport and commuter link through the Aire Valley.
To ensure security of gas supply to the site, Solution:Positive negotiated with Northern GasNetworks on behalf of Keighley Properties and obtained the necessary consents for the decommissioning and removal of the Medium Pressure gas pipeline. Due to the importance of the supply route, the high level of commercial customers supplied from the pipeline and the safety issues around working on Medium Pressure pipelines, the works could only be carried out at times of reduced gas demand and following meticulous planning.